Let's get the kids to school on time!
Let's get the kids to school on time!

School Bus Complaint steps
Each time the bus route makes your student late to school,
doesn’t show up, or vehicle is unsafe, follow these steps

What has been done about hot school buses?
Statement by PIST from July 2022 with links to coverage, state investigation, local law, how to complain & why that is difficult, past protests, age of NYC school buses.

Change of afternoon dropoff
How to request that your child be transported to a site other than home when school is dismissed every day. Priority deadline was July 22 but try as soon as you know the address.

Fall 2022 bus routes
The expectation is that school bus routes should be posted by Monday August 29. Please read more advice here.
La expectativa es que las rutas de los autobuses escolares se publiquen antes del lunes 29 de agosto. Lea más consejos aquí.

How to add or enhance busing on the IEP
How to get bus service / accommodations on the IEP

Route Advice / Consejos
What to do when the bus takes much longer or doesn’t show up