Labor Council parade Sept 10, 2022
Posing with another labor supporter of PIST, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters local 808, Chris Silvera.
School bus workers’ union ATU 1181-1061 has invited school bus riders’ families to walk and ride with them up Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, in the annual celebration of the working people of New York City.
Saturday Sept 10
10:00 a.m. - 12 noon:
gather at West 46th St. between Fifth & Sixth Avenues [map below]
Meet, greet & talk about our mutual goals.
Some of us will also take flyers about the School Bus Bill of Rights campaign to other unions in the area
12:30 p.m. - march up 5th Ave., ending outside Central Park zoo
Diverse School bus workers, mostly women, and their children on the street, some carrying a banner or sign, many with fists in the air, some chanting.
The yellow sign toward the back is a PIST banner that reads “Protect School Bus Riders’ Civil Rights, School Bus Workers’ Jobs!”
Does this look like fun? It is!!
The weather prediction is great. Optional: Wear yellow.
Suggestion: check MTA Trip planner and give yourself extra time to get around blocked streets.
RSVP Parents to Improve School Transportation: 631.743.6296 Hablamos español