School Bus Bill of Rights features [May 2022]

A decision-making body that reflects the most affected stakeholders can do a better job of attracting workers, improving routes, training & communication, honoring the physical and neurological needs of the riders, and keeping everyone safe on the bus. [continues below the Update box]

The text spoken aloud, with ASL captioning, is on video at our youtube channel as “May 15 Monica lists the features of the School bus bill of rights”



NYS election law gives us 6 months starting January 1 to collect 30,000 valid signatures from registered voters as a first step towards placing a referendum on the November ballot to enact a School Bus Bill of Rights.

We are seeking help from legal experts on creating the petition as a yes-no proposal to change or amend a specific section of the NY City Charter. At this point our earliest possible target is 2025.

The City Council has passed various laws requiring the system to collect data and report on it both to parents and to the Council itself; however the referendum is our chance to change the way the system operates.

School Bus Bill of Rights features [May 2022]

A decision-making body that reflects the most affected stakeholders can do a better job of attracting workers, improving routes, training & communication, honoring the physical and neurological needs of the riders, and keeping everyone safe on the bus. 

Características de la Carta de Derechos al Transporte Escolar [mayo de 2022]

Un organismo de toma de decisiones que refleje a las partes interesadas más afectadas puede hacer un mejor trabajo a la hora de atraer trabajadores, mejorar las rutas, la capacitación y la comunicación, respetar las necesidades físicas y neurológicas de los pasajeros y mantener a todos seguros en el autobús.

Background: shades of  peach

Graphic of long yellow school bus in the bottom left, and 

Logo of Parents to Improve School Transportation in the bottom right

Text: School Bus Bill of Rights


One campus per route

Split the age groups

Establish protocols for special situations, such as family with siblings


Un campus por ruta

Dividir los grupos de edad

Establecer protocolos para situaciones especiales, como familias con hermanos

Background: shades of  yellow

Graphic of long yellow school bus in the bottom left, and 

Logo of Parents to Improve School Transportation in the bottom right

Text: School Bus Bill of Rights
Staffing/ Inclusion 

Recruit and retain enough drivers - EPP, incentive - good contract in 2023 

Job opportunities for youth & disabled people {more monitors, more trainers, more dispatch/customer service, recruit bus paraprofessionals}

Dotación de personal/Inclusión

Contratar y retener suficientes conductores: EPP, incentivos, buen contrato en 2023

Oportunidades laborales para jóvenes y personas discapacitadas {más monitores, más formadores, más servicios de atención al cliente/despacho, contratar paraprofesionales de autobuses}

Background: shades of  blue grey

Graphic of long yellow school bus in the bottom left, and 

Logo of Parents to Improve School Transportation in the bottom right


School Bus Bill of Rights

Safety & health

Vehicles - safe, climate control, sustainable - A just transition 

No rides > 90 minutes 

Mental health support for families who have suffered unstable busing

Seguridad y salud

Vehículos seguros, con control de temperatura, sostenibles: transición justa

No se permiten viajes de más de 90 minutos

Apoyo en materia de salud mental para familias que han sufrido un transporte en autobús inestable

Background: shades of magenta

Graphic of long yellow school bus in the bottom left, and 

Logo of Parents to Improve School Transportation in the bottom right


School Bus Bill of Rights


Language justice - 

Not strictly online

Advance notice of rights, processes and changes in plain language


Justicia lingüística -

No estrictamente en línea

Notificación anticipada de derechos, procesos y cambios en lenguaje sencillo

Background: shades of  

Graphic of long yellow school bus in the bottom left, and 

Logo of Parents to Improve School Transportation in the bottom right


School Bus Bill of Rights




Adaptaciones proporcionadas según lo estipulado en el IEP o 504

Background: shades of  yellow

Graphic of long yellow school bus in the bottom left, and 

Logo of Parents to Improve School Transportation in the bottom right

Text: School Bus Bill of Rights


Tracking system for complaints - standard IT tool, businesses have them 

Transportation surveys

How do we report OPT for educational neglect?!


Sistema de seguimiento de quejas: herramienta informática estándar que las empresas tienen

Encuestas de transporte

¿Cómo denunciamos la negligencia educativa de la oficina del transporte estudiantil?

Background: shades of  peach

Graphic of long yellow school bus in the bottom left, and 

Logo of Parents to Improve School Transportation in the bottom right


School Bus Bill of Rights 

Share the points of contact / organizational chart

Funding - where does it come from, where does it go? 


Compartir los puntos de contacto / organigrama

Financiación: ¿de dónde viene y a dónde va?

Background: shades of  blue grey

Graphic of long yellow school bus in the bottom left, and 

Logo of Parents to Improve School Transportation in the bottom right


School Bus Bill of Rights 


Independent Budget Office Audit every 3 years for waste: 

Look into de-privatizing [eminent domain???];

What is happening with attendance money when the student misses services due to busing?


Auditoría de la Oficina de Presupuesto Independiente cada 3 años para detectar despilfarro:

Estudiar la posibilidad de desprivatizar [¿dominio eminente?];

¿Qué sucede con el dinero de asistencia cuando el estudiante pierde servicios debido al transporte en autobús?

Background: shades of  magenta

Graphic of long yellow school bus in the bottom left, and 

Logo of Parents to Improve School Transportation in the bottom right

Text: School Bus Bill of Rights


Empower a panel of reps of parents, educators, bus workers, disability advocates to suggest, approve, veto pupil transportation policy decisions


Facultar a un panel de representantes de padres, educadores, trabajadores de autobuses y defensores de los discapacitados para que sugieran, aprueben y veten decisiones sobre políticas de transporte para alumnos

—contact for more information—

This is a grassroots parent effort but we look forward to endorsements from others.

We are seeking volunteers, interns and donations.


Bus Rights Tool Kit + Slides from Nov 2021 Forum