Contents: [Key: bold events = PIST is part of the planning. plain events = other spaces where you can share your busing concerns and announce Nov 22 speakout]
Nov 4 CCSE Busing Sub Committee zoom; Nov 7 District 75 Council busing committee zoom; Nov 9 Bilingual Bronx Busing workshop; Nov 12 PIST lunchtime zoom; Nov 13 evening hybrid support for Transportation resolution by CCSE representative to the CCHS;
Nov 15 evening zoom to plan Speakout; Nov 19 evening ARISE Special Education Speakout; Nov 20 CCD75 monthly meeting; Nov 20 PEP Contracts comments; Nov 21 evening hybrid CCSE-OPT public meeting on Transportation; Nov 22 evening virtual SCHOOL BUS CRISIS Speakout with PIST, D75 Presidents’ Council & allies.
Flyers, registration links, language interpretation options and more details are below.
For events that have passed, check our Gallery page where we hope to upload any photos or links to resources afterwards.
Citywide Council on Special Education is inviting members and NYC parents to discuss some priorities and plans for this school year around transportation for ALL students with disabilities.
CCSE Busing Sub-Committee Meeting
Monday, November 4, 2024 7:00 p.m.
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Llame al 347-966-4114
ID de la conferencia: 112162698#
If you have trouble registering, contact:
Thursday November 7
Virtual 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Citywide Council for District 75 Busing Issues Committee Monthly Meeting
Spanish, Mandarin and Bangla language interpretation available. Flyers in English, Spanish and Mandarin are here.
Parents will chat and speak about issues that they are experiencing If you want support from this council you can summarize the issue without personal student details in the meeting, and then follow up over email.
PIST activists will share some resources about specific busing topics and campaigns, and give details about potential changes at certain companies only to route drivers and attendants in the coming weeks.
Flyer in Mandarin for November 7 meeting with link and QR code to register.
Shades of yellow and blue with Image of a “Missing” poster with “My school bus”.
Flyer in Spanish for November 7 meeting with link and QR code to register.
Shades of yellow and blue with Image of a “Missing” poster with “My school bus”.
Saturday Nov 9 Timon Family Services workshop on Student transportation - in person in the Bronx UFT office, 2100 Bartow Ave, 4th floor (Co-op City)
- time 1pm - 3pm, lunch served, Spanish & English
To register, contact or 646.403.5228, Se habla espanol
Join the movement for better busing!
PIST Member and Volunteer MEETINGS
Exchange information on:
Route regulations, rights & accommodations
How you & people you know can help turn our School Bus Bill of Rights into law
Daytime, second Tuesday of each month
—> NOVEMBER 12 at 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
REGISTER to get Zoom Meeting ID & Passcode:
Write to
or DM
Wednesday evening Nov 13 TBC
The CCSE representative in the Citywide Council on High Schools is bringing a transportation resolution about Apprenticeships for School Bus work, to be placed on a future agenda.
NYC high school parents and other interested community members have the right to attend and comment in support of the need for long term solutions to the school bus staffing shortages that impede students from getting a full day’s education every day — and job opportunities for older students.
Details pending, please save the date if interested in supporting this as a NYC high school parent or other interested community member.
Friday evening Nov 15 - update: this will not be a town hall
Working meeting to get organized for Nov 22 public speakout
7:00 p.m. on zoom, Contact for invitation
Flyer in English - multicolored logo of children in a loose circle. Describes virtual gathering on Tuesday Nov 19 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Registration - use QR code or
Volante en inglés: logotipo multicolor de niños en un círculo suelto. Describe la reunión virtual que se llevará a cabo el martes 19 de noviembre de 6:00 p. m. a 8:00 p. m.
Inscripción: use el código QR o
Weds. Nov 20 evening = monthly meeting of Citywide Council for District 75, hybrid.
For details, Contact or call 212-802-1542
Panel for Education Policy (PEP) meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 6:00pm (EST) at The Michael J. Petrides School (715 Ocean Terrace, Staten Island, New York 10301). and on zoom.
The public can speak during Contract comments in the early part of the meeting (Contracts Agenda), and during General comments at the end of the agenda. You can also submit written comments in advance*.
NOTE FROM PIST: We encourage school bus riders and parents to comment on any contract or budget items that relate to student transportation! For example: Via for Buses, First Student, the OPT call center, funding for rideshare (Tripslink/LimoSys) or reimbursement, MTA OMNY cards that exclude yellow bus riders & walkers, 2025 school bus route bidding, Career & Technical Education, paraprofessional and nurse agency contracts. [Check back here — will try to share video clips of recent comments that other parents have made].
The Contracts Agenda is not posted until closer to the meeting date at
As of now, this meeting includes an important Chancellor Regulation and the overal annual school budget.
Accessing the Meeting and Registering for Public Comment
If you would like to access this meeting remotely, please visit:
Speaker sign-up will run from 5:30PM until 6:15PM on the day of the meeting and is available via the link found here. Speakers may only sign themselves up to speak during the appropriate comment period(s). Each speaker who registers for public comment will be allotted two and a half minutes of speaking time, while each speaker who registers for open comment will be allotted two minutes.
*If you would like to submit written comment, please complete the Written Public Comment Form.
Interpretation services will be provided in Spanish, Mandarin, and Cantonese. If you need interpretation services for other languages, such as American Sign Language (ASL), they will be provided upon request by contacting us at: (212) 374-0226 or
Thursday November 21 6:30 p.m.
Citywide Council on Special Education will host representatives from the Office of Pupil Transportation to exchange information in a public meeting at 52 Chambers Street AND online.
Also to help give data to CCSE to show OPT, this survey is for you in Spanish and English:
¿Cómo va el transporte escolar este año?
Infórmeselo al Consejo Municipal de Educación Especial tomándose unos minutos para completar esta encuesta.
La Oficina de Tránsito Estudiantil (OPT) estará en la reunión del calendario de noviembre de CCSE el 21/11/2024 y queremos mostrarles cómo les está yendo.
Los datos de la encuesta se presentarán en la reunión. Esperamos verte allí.
Questions, Contact
Square flyer in English with image of a school bus front and a QR code. Title: School Bus Crisis. Friday Nov. 22, 7:00 p.m. Virtual
Text: NYC Families & Educators demand:
* Equal access to school for riders with disabilities
* Accessible information in all home languages
* Career pipeline into student transportation
* Solutions for #WheresMyBus families who’ve lost work
To register, scan or click