#DisabilityPrideNYC Parade Sunday Oct 2, 2022 Now VIRTUAL

Weather conditions for this weekend make travel unreliable and potentially unsafe for many members of the Disabled Community. Therefore the parade organizers have converted it into a virtual event.

Sunday October 2nd 12 PM – 3 PM

Disability Pride Parade and Festival Virtual Participation


PIST NYC is still "Table 20" in the Resource sharing and "Section E Line Up" in Sharing Your Pride, Advocacy, and Spirit


The program will include speakers and Grand Marshalls, as would have taken place in Union Square.

The Outreach meeting immediately following the program will have an open format for anyone who would like to speak to take part.

ASL, CART, Audio Description and Stream Text provided


Access the event in your preferred format.


You can access the event via this Zoom link for participants who would like to see everyone at the event:

Zoom Meeting Link: https://nycdoe.zoom.us/j/97634225313?pwd=aVM3VHpWVEU2MVRnSEtJOFpVMHc5UT09

Meeting ID: 976 3422 5313

Passcode: 924645

One tap mobile

+19292056099,,97634225313#,,,,*924645# US (New York)

+16465189805,,97634225313#,,,,*924645# US (New York)


Or on the Disability Unite website (https://disabilityunite.org/live-stream-center/) for participants who only want to see the speakers and ASL providers with open captioning.

This site will also accommodate any people who cannot attend via the Zoom link due to capacity restrictions. 


Here is the Stream Text Captions link which will be the same for either option:



Here is the new Disability Pride NYC Facebook group for https://www.facebook.com/Disability-Pride-NYC-107605462122510/

Here is also a link to join the Disability Pride NYC mailing list: https://forms.gle/aKqUbS5o2zt71BNF8

Please share on social media and with your networks

Map of the parade route between the two parks.

See next map of where we will gather. Transit information follows that.

Join PIST & Friends to raise the banner of school bus rights & educational access! This is the first year since the pandemic began and the first time this event is happening during the school year, so let’s turn up!!! School bus riders, families, workers, and educators are welcome to this contingent.

RSVP Parents to Improve School Transportation: pistnyc@gmail.com 631.743.6296 Hablamos español

Education groups are meeting in Section E on East 25th Street between Park Avenue South & Madison Avenue.

PIST & Friends are group number 6 on that block. We are expected by 10:00 but aiming for 9:45. If you arrive later than 11:00, please hang out on Broadway and 23rd Street to cheer all the groups.

For liability reasons, please register as an individual before stepping into the parade itself to join us: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdWbOOXcy6xMLP59WwpAOa6XAvP-xl1jRTjs1e3FkcYWmze7g/viewform?usp=send_form

If you cannot stand for an hour and do the nine-block parade, please meet us at our table/booth number 20 in Union Square Park, from 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. However, We recommend arriving to 17th Street and Broadway a little sooner, so you can cheer for groups like ours as we enter the park!

Photo of 4 parents at a PIST table earlier this summer

Accessible travel info courtesy of disabilitypridenyc.org :


If you or anyone in your group requires Access-A-Ride Drop-off or Pickup, please call 1 - 877 - 337 - 2017 and press #2 to make a reservation. When doing so you can make the following requests: 

'Disability Pride Parade - Madison Square Park' (E 27th St and Madison Ave) for the starting point 

'Disability Pride Parade - Union Square Park' (E 16th St and Union Square West) for the ending point 

Subway Access 

The Union Square subway station is accessible for the N, Q, R, W and L train lines. Be advised that the 4, 5, 6 line is not accessible. 

Bus Access 

If you are planning on taking a bus, the M1, M2, M3, M14A and M14D make stops in the immediate vicinity of Union Square Park. 

For additional accessible transportation assistance refer to the MTA Trip Planner Website https://new.mta.info/ by putting in your location and checking the box for accessible trip. 

Map below. Zoom in to find subway stations, indicated by white letter M in a blue rounded square, and bus stops indicated by a white outline of front of a bus in a blue rounded square.


2017 parade held in July


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